General Terms and Conditions for Passengers


1.    General





Reporting time should be 1 HOUR prior to departure.

Ticket will be valid only till the date of travel prior to departure.

Passenger belongings carried in hand will be at their own risk carrier is no way liable in any loss or damage from what so it may cause.

The carrier reserves the right to cancel or change the published voyage for any official purpose and in any manner or to any extent. The carrier shall bear no liability for any loss that passenger may suffer, any consequences thereof or in respect of any changes in scheduled due to Bad weather or technical reason. In this case passenger can either claim full refund or can rescheduled His/her journey on availability.

The passenger hereby warrants and declares he / she does not suffer from any form of major illness or ailments. The carrier shall not be responsible for any consequences of whatsoever nature resulting from pre-carriage illness / ailments that may manifest during the course of carriage. The passenger undertakes to indemnity and hold the carrier harmless from any and all such consequences.

The carrier shall have no liability whatsoever for any injury of illness arising or resulting from any cause not attributable to any act, neglect, default on the part of the carrier and its servants.

Pets and animals not allowed on board the vessel.

Cancellations are allowed only one day (24 hours) prior to the departure date and time of travel.

2. Refusal of Carriage

 The Carrier reserves the right to refuse the provision of Services to any person at its discretion and without assigning any reason;

a. If the Passenger is aboard the Vessel and:

  1. is suffering from any disease or affliction and is unfit to proceed to his or her port of destination or is likely to endanger the general health or safety of other persons aboard the vessel; or

  2. is suffering from any infectious or contagious disease; or

  3. is or is likely to prove undesirable to the Master or to the authorities at the port of his or her destination by reason of alcohol, drugs or otherwise; or

  4. is likely to conduct himself or herself in such a manner as to cause annoyance or injury to other persons on the vessel, the Passenger may be restrained or confined by the Master without notice and without liability to the Carrier or any consequential damage, loss, expense, loss of time or inconvenience and the Carrier shall not be required to repay any portion of the fare paid by any such Passenger.

3. Passenger Obligations

The Passenger warrants:

a. When on board the Vessel to comply fully with all reasonable requirements and/or directions of, or given by, the Carrier;

b. That all other persons for whom that Passenger’s ticket is issued are correctly described

c. With respect to any Goods:

  1. it will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, orders and notifications in force relating to Sea Carriage and all conditions and instructions issued by the Carrier;

d. It is responsible for managing its own luggage throughout the Carrier’s provision of the Services;

e. It will stow all luggage in accordance with the directions of the Vessel’s crew and should not restrict access to safety equipment or block aisles or emergency exits;

4. Prohibited Items

 a.     The Passenger must not carry, whether on their person or contained in any Goods or Vehicle, or otherwise try to bring on board the Vessel the following prohibited items:

i. items which are prohibited by any applicable European, Tunisian and English law, regulation or order, whether from being carried on a sea vessel or otherwise;

ii. firearms and weapons of any type, including but not limited to knives, blades, or sharp items of any kind;

iii. items which are likely to endanger the Vessel, or persons or property aboard the Vessel, or items that may become or are Dangerous Goods; and

iv. items the Master reasonable determines are unsuitable for carriage because they are dangerous, unsafe, or because of their weight, size, shape or character, or which are fragile or perishable.

b. If the Carrier discovers that the Passenger is carrying a prohibited item, the Carrier may do whatever it considers appropriate and reasonable in the circumstances, including disposing of the prohibited item without notifying you; and

c. The Carrier will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to any prohibited item if it is brought aboard the Vessel despite being a prohibited item.

 5. Schedules

 The Passenger agrees that the:

a. Sea Carriage may not be provided by the scheduled vessel;

b. Vessel may not depart or arrive at the scheduled times;

c. Services may be suspended or discontinued at the discretion of the Carrier; and

d. Carrier is not liable for damage suffered as a result of the cancellation, suspension, diversion or delay in the departure or arrival of the Vessel.

6. Reservations and Cancellation Charges

The Passenger agrees that:

a. A Ticket entitles the Passenger to the Services only at the time and date specified on the Ticket or, alternatively, at the time for which the Passenger has made a reservation with the Carrier;

b. The Carrier reserves the right to refuse to provide the Services to the Passenger at a time and date that is not the subject of the Passenger’s Reservation;

c. Reservations will be made upon request by the Passenger and are subject to availability; and

d. A failure by the Passenger to check-in by the Carrier’s stated check-in time for a service may result in the Carrier issuing a cancellation charge to the Passenger.

e. Cancelations made by the Passenger are in line with our Cancellation Policy, any cancellation made within 24 hours of the scheduled departure will not be refunded

7. Tickets and Refunds

The Passenger agrees that:

a. Any Ticket issued to the Passenger is the property of the Passenger and is not transferable under any circumstances;

b. The Carrier is not obliged to:

i. Carry any person without a valid Ticket; or

ii. Replace or refund and issued ticket that is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed. 

c. A Ticket is valid for the period stated on the Ticket. 

8. Lost Property

 The Passenger agrees that:

a. The Carrier is not in any way liable for any loss or damage occasioned by the Passenger leaving any property on the Vessel after disembarkation;

b. The Carrier reserves the right to seek reimbursement from the Passenger or Owner of any cost incurred for the return of Lost Property to its Owner;

c. Any Lost Property that is not claimed within 30 days of the date on which the property was left on the Vessel will be considered by the Carrier to be abandoned and may be disposed of by the Carrier at its discretion;

9. Security/Search

The Passenger agrees that:

a. The Passenger, their Goods, luggage, effects and Vehicle are subject to search for, and seizure of, prohibited materials or substances; and

b. The Passenger will not be permitted to travel if they refuse to be searched and/or refuse to allow their Goods to be searched.

10. Liability of the Carrier

Subject to the Terms and conditions offset on the ANARRES SHIPPING STANDARD CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE OF GOODS BY SEA, the Carrier is not liable for any injury, fatal or otherwise, loss, damage, delay or detention of or to the Passenger, from any cause

 11. Insurance and Indemnity

Insurance will not be arranged by the Carrier on behalf of the Passenger